
Showing posts with the label Donald Trump

Even Steve Bannon was embarrassed by Donald Trumps Fantasy Trading Card

GO AWAY TRUMP If Trump couldn't get any more embarrassing he one ups himself with these ridiculous trading cards. This grifter would sell his mother if he thought she could get him a couple of bucks.  Why doesn't this monster just go away?  We are really wishing too much? After all New Yorkers had to hear him, hear about  him, see him since the 1970's.  He is like a recurring nightmare that just won't go away.  Even Steve Barron was embarrassed by him this week.  Donald Trump continues to embarrass America with his flamboyant and ridiculous and often times dangerous behavior. 

Congressman Stephen Lynch schools the Republicans on right and wrong and their negligence

A video that needs to go viral This Congressman Stephen Lynch really tells the Republican's how it is during a hearing last week.  This guy makes so much sense and this video really needs to go viral. Please share this so all people see this on both sides of the aisle.    Rep. Stephen Lynch Destroys Republicans for holding 100 hearing into Hillary Clinton's email server AND Only 2 on Russia's interference into the 2016 election SHOULD THIS GO VIRAL? THANK YOU Rep. Stephen Lynch! — Indivisible Network (@IndivisibleNet) August 5, 2018

Trump mocked the Me Too Movement tonight at a Rally in Montana

Mocking the Me Too Movement In what world is mocking the Me Too Movement #MeToo movement a good idea?   Tonight, Trump was at a RALLY talking about his daydreams of things to come when he is having debates for his next Presidential run. He was making fun of Senator Warren again about her heritage.  He talked about throwing a DNA testing kit at her. There is no end to the how low this piece of crap will go.   See the video here

What does it tell you that there has been a CARTOON made about Trump? - 'Our Cartoon President'

What does it tell you that there has been a CARTOON made about Trump ? 'Our Cartoon President' A Scene from Cartoon President  Have you seen it?  Have you watched 'Our Cartoon President?' If it weren't so sad that we have a man occupying the Oval Office that is a walking talking cartoon, it would be funny.   The description from IMDb is:  This fresh, cutting-edge comedy presents the truish adventures of Trump's confidants and bon vivants - family, top associates, heads of government, golf pros and anyone else straying into his orbit - intrepidly exploring their histories and their psyches, revealing insights into what makes them so definitively Trumpian. It's a workplace comedy where the office happens to be oval; it's a character study in search of character, as seen through the eyes of an imaginary documentary crew. Art imitating life   When you talk about art imitating life, this cartoon has it down to a science.  I bet you if th...

Donald Trump wants to protect American Children as if they were his own

Do you believe Donald Trump cares at all about America's children? You know what they say about a picture is worth a thousand words.  Take a look at this recent photo of Trump boarding Air Force One.  Perhaps he doesn't even remember he has a 5th child?   This man is so self centered that he can't see past his own nose to put a protective cover over his own child.  Why is that child not wearing a jacket?  Where's Mama bear in all of this?  

Donald Trump is protecting Russia because he needs them in Midterms and 2020 Election

DONALD TRUMP CAN'T WIN REELECTION WITHOUT RUSSIA'S HELP TRUMP NEEDS RUSSIA!! If you are wondering why Donald Trump won't enforce sanctions that were voted on unanimously in Congress, it's because he needs Russia.  He needs them to interfere in the 2018 Midterm elections.  If Trump loses the Republicans in the House, he will surely be impeached and you can bet his minions are keeping him updated on that.  So with that being said, he needs Russia to work their trolling magic to get the less than intelligent Americans to believe the bogus Memes and postings on social media.   The 2020 Election  It is only approximately 250 days until the midterms.  If America can survive until then, there is a really good chance that the House will be flipped by the blue wave that is coming.   You can expect Trump, his minions and his rhetoric to be amped up because he won't be a participant in the 2020 election if he gets impeached.  You don'...

Stormy weather brewing for Donald Trump in the residence of the White House

Stormy Daniels  "Stormy is going to tell her story" Because Michael Cohen came out and told the world that he was the one to pay Stormy, she thinks she can now speak freely about her alleged affair with Donald Trump. She may be right.  Normally a gag order (Non-Disclosure Agreement) means that all parties connected to the agreement must stay silent.  Does Michael Cohens admission release Stormy from that agreement?  She surely thinks so.  One has to assume she is being told it does and she is ready to speak. Stormy has been smirking, smiling and playing possum on TV talk shows around the nation to tell her story. It enabled her to launch her "Make America Horny Again Tour" at strip clubs across the nation. It would seem that the $130,000 was just the tip of the iceberg of what she can earn from her disgusting time with a man 3 times her age and 3 times her weight. Her manager told the AP on Wednesday that "everything is off now, and Stormy i...

The realities behind why Donald Trump would prefer people from Norway as opposed to people from Haiti

BLONDE HAIR AND BLUES EYES ABOUND Look at all those blondes with blue eyes The realities behind why Donald Trump would prefer people from Norway as opposed to people from Haiti.   The characteristic's and appearance play a big part of it but is there more? Norway's location In the world of Donald Trump, real estate, location is everything.  Let's take a look at where Norway is and who are Norway's neighbors?  Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometres (148,747 sq mi) and a population of 5,258,317 (as of January 2017). [13]  The country shares a long eastern border with  Sweden  ( 1,619 km  or 1,006 mi long). Norway is bordered by  Finland  and  Russia  to the north-east, and the  Skagerrak  strait to the south, with  Denmark  on the other side. Norway has an extensive coastline, facing the North Atlantic Ocean and the  Barents Sea . There's that word RUSSIA agai...

16 women accusing Donald Trump of sexual harassment, assault or abuse are still waiting for someone to listen to them

What is wrong with this picture? Trump and 10 of his ACCUSERS Just 2 days before Christmas and for the 2nd year in a row, there are 16 women waiting for not only justice, but for someone to listen to them.  What the HELL is going on America? Hope from Alabama While Alabama gave us all a little hope that all may not be lost, why are we all not supporting those 16 women who have  story to tell. If there are 16 that have come forward, imagine how many there are that haven't?  Would you come forward if you saw 16 women being either ignored by Congress, or threatened by Trump supporters?   It is pretty obvious that THE GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST is going to haunting Trump now and through 2018!   What can caring Americans do to help them? Perhaps a March on Washington should be organized to let Congress know that this type of behavior is not accepted in this country and most especially with our own President? What do you think can be done to help t...

Rumor that Trump will fire Mueller is creating unrest on the internet with talk of Modern Day Revolution

Will Trump cause the United States to enter into a Modern Day Revolution? As the news was released in the last few days that it is being rumored that Donald Trump is getting ready to fire Robert Mueller, the internet is a buzz about fighting back.  Modern Day Revolution  Sensible Americans with common sense are not about to let this happen without reacting to it.  Most American's know that Donald Trump acts like a man with something to hide. Why else would he be so bothered by an investigation unless he had something to hide?  He wouldn't.  Innocent people don't care about investigations.   An innocent person would let the investigation go on until it was over so they could have their good name cleared.  It is obvious that Donald Trump knows that Mueller is going to find dirt on him.   As an American, would you be willing to rise up and fight back if Donald Trump fires Robert Mueller?   

16 Women accusing Donald Trump of Sexual Assault or Harassment all in one place at one time is overwhelming

16 Women accusing Donald Trump of Sexual Assault or Harassment all in one place at one time is overwhelming  Donald Trump and Karen McDougal Before the election these women came out of the wood work to talk about what they said candidate Donald Trump did to them.  It didn't stop him from getting elected. However, that may just be because the Russians had their fingers all over election results in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Ohio.  Karen McDougal & Donald Trump It was widely report that Karen McDougal seen above was paid off to keep her mouth shut about her affair with Donald Trump. Click here to see that story in ONLY 80,0000 VOTES   Trump won the electoral college by only 80,000 votes split between 3 states.  3 States that used electronic voting that was found to have irregularities.  I only make this statement because I would fundamentally like to believe that America is better than electing a pervert to the highest office i...

Trump Puppets who regularly make people nauseous on CNN and the biggest right now is Ben Ferguson

CNN needs to clean house again and this time it is Ben Ferguson that needs to go Ben Ferguson  You sometimes run across people who have the ability to make you feel sick to your stomach. Ben Ferguson is one of those people. He is a regular on CNN and he is a Trump puppet.  No matter what Trump does, Ben has a defense for it.   Viewers wanted Kayleigh McEnany & Jeffrey Lord gone Yes, the viewers wanted those two gone and rallied together to send emails, call and make known to CNN that those two needed to go. They are gone.  Folks always wanted Paris Dennard gone and nobody has seen him in a couple of weeks.  However, no official notice has gone out that he is gone so perhaps people should still be emailing in about him.   Campaign to get Ben Ferguson Gone It is now time to launch the campaign to get Ben Ferguson gone. You can start by emailing CNN at It is as easy as c...

Paris Dennard continues to support a man who can't construct a full and comprehensive sentence

PARIS DENNARD IS A SNAKE Paris Dennard  Paris Dennard appears several times a week on CNN supporting a man who speaks like a 6 year old child.  In fact, I know many 6 years old that speak with more clarity and cohesion than Donald Trump does.  CNN DUMP DENNARD  It is time for the viewers to start the CNN DUMP DENNARD campaign.  We helped get rid of Kayleigh McEnany and Jack Lord.  It is time for Dennard to go!  START CALLING CNN  Start calling CNN at (404) 827-1700. The phone will be answered by an automated system.  Press 2 and it will give you more options.  Press 3 to leave a message that you want Paris Dennard gone.   We could all use a little love right now.  ENJOY 'LOVE IS' by LITTLE RIVER BAND!! 

Former CNN Commentator Jeffrey Lord has lost his mind and Buzz Zinger has the proof

You are never going to believe where Jeffrey Lord ended up Jeffrey Lord and Kayleigh McEnany former CNN   Many viewers suspected that Jeffrey Lord was losing his mind.  His behavior the past year on CNN was erratic at best. He said things quite often that just didn't make sense. He would smile like a moron when smiling was completely inappropriate.   CNN fired him for using NAZI SLOGAN Jeffrey Lord has gone over to the dark side Yes, on August 10 Jeffrey Lord was fired from CNN after a Twitter rant that showed he has gone over the edge.    The Dark Side  Lord would argue using ridiculous and unbelievable arguments that made him look like an imbecile.  He would argue on Donald Trumps behalf when the arguments should have only been seen on an episode of the Twilight Zone.   Jeffrey's insane qualifications Lord is now writing for Breitbart Where would somebody with these insane qualifications end up?  The one an...

Russians organized Rally's in the United States during the 2016 election and mostly easily manipulated people fell for it

j In case any American's missed this, this is something that needs to be screamed from the roof tops.  Russians organized rally's using Facebook and other social media sites like Twitter, Instagram and Google + to help organize rally's to support Trump. Adam Schiff Adam Schiff has come forward and spoken about this being an additional way the Russians tore America apart.   Russians used social media to push false stories, to place divisive ads and to organize protests in the US. Their goal was to tear us apart. — Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) September 13, 2017 So on top of the Russians planting stories, paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to Facebook, they also organized rally's.  This was a very well planned, organized attack on American democracy.  Are there any American's that actually believe that Russians didn't screw with actual vote totals? 

The Russians used everything including but not limited to money in the campaign to hand Donald Trump the Presidency

Organization, time and propaganda was just some of what the Russians donated to the Trump campaign They are in this together! ! As the months go by, it is being even clearer just how the Russians and their operatives did to help Trump get the Presidency .  As more about Facebook becomes clear, the organization involved in this task was enormous.  Nobody can accuse the Russians of being lazy or disorganized.   The definition of Propaganda prop·a·gan·da /ËŒpräpəˈɡandÉ™/ noun 1. information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view: That is the definition for the word propaganda.  It certainly was the main object, source and tool the Russians used to win the Presidency for the candidate of their choice.   Facebook groups  Last week Facebook disclosed that they had accepted over $100,000 in paid ads from Russian accounts.  They have not pr...

Jeffrey Lord's bizarre behavior continues via his twitter feed as he promotes far right wing propaganda

Jeffrey Lord fired from CNN for Bizarre behavior  You would think that somebody who has been involved in politics all his life would know better.  It makes one wonder if Jeffery Lord is having some kind of break from reality.  Jeffrey Lord's bizarre behavior continues via his twitter feed as he promotes far right wing propaganda.   Jeffrey Lord's Twitter feed: For example: The Media’s Revisionist History of Nazis — Jeff Lord (@realJeffreyLord) September 2, 2017 and  Sick, sick, SICK: How the Berkeley government turned Antifa into DEPUTIES — Jeff Lord (@realJeffreyLord) September 2, 2017 Jeffrey looks at other guest like he doesn't understand! Jeffrey Lord is promoting articles from publications that he has to know are click bait sites.  All this behavior is very bizarre.  There were times, especially in the last 3 months before Jeffrey was fired while in a town car on t...

Look what freaking Donald Trump said about me on Twitter

Okay, not really but it has been rough couple of months and I thought it was time that we all lighten up a bit and smile. The Twitler at his best.  Donald Trump DUCK FACE What would Donald Trump say about you if he saw your Facebook wall?  Now is your chance to find out.   Click here to see what Donald Trump would say about you.  

Adam Schiff PLAN TO DEFUND TRUMPS BOGUS Election Integrity Commission

The Perfect USE for DUCT TAPE Everyone knows there is no massive "voter fraud,' other than in Donald Trumps conspiracy filled mind.  Adam Schiff who has been a Congressman from California since 2001 has had enough.  Schiff has introduced an Amendment to defund Trumps ridiculous Election Integrity Commission.   . @POTUS Election Integrity Commission to investigate baseless claim of "voter fraud" is a farce. I've introduced an amendment to defund it: — Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) August 31, 2017 Adam Schiff is trying to stop Donald Trump Schiff has also filed amendments which would prevent Donald Trump from being able to pay fees to his businesses using the Secret Service as his cover.  Up until now, the federal government has been charging the federal government for golf cart rentals, hotel rooms, office space, services and goods. In 7 months Donald Trump has used up the allowance for the service for a year.  You can s...

Paul Ryan back to brown nosing Donald Trump as intelligent American's hold their nose and look at other choices for Wisconsin in 2018

Paul Ryan is a disgrace  The Brown Nose King Paul Ryan is once again kissing President Trump's butt via twitter.  His tweet regarding tax reform is disgusting considering there are people dying in Texas in their flooded homes.   See Tweet: Thank you, Mr. President, for calling for a level playing field for American workers & job creators. The time for major tax reform has come. — Paul Ryan (@SpeakerRyan) August 30, 2017 More lies from the GOP Ryan had Artwork created for his disgusting display of butt kissing. The Tax reform that Trump and Ryan want will help the rich and make the middle class poor.     Hypocrite working overtime  Everyone in the country knows that Paul Ryan can't stand Donald Trump.  That is what reading these kind of "We are united" statements from this man make people roll their eyes.  Paul Ryan is as bad as Donald Trump because he would sell his soul for his party rather than do what is best for h...