Former CNN Commentator Jeffrey Lord has lost his mind and Buzz Zinger has the proof

You are never going to believe where Jeffrey Lord ended up

Jeffrey Lord and Kayleigh McEnany former CNN 
Many viewers suspected that Jeffrey Lord was losing his mind.  His behavior the past year on CNN was erratic at best. He said things quite often that just didn't make sense. He would smile like a moron when smiling was completely inappropriate.  

CNN fired him for using NAZI SLOGAN
Jeffrey Lord has gone over to the dark side

Yes, on August 10 Jeffrey Lord was fired from CNN after a Twitter rant that showed he has gone over the edge.   

The Dark Side 

Lord would argue using ridiculous and unbelievable arguments that made him look like an imbecile.  He would argue on Donald Trumps behalf when the arguments should have only been seen on an episode of the Twilight Zone.  

Jeffrey's insane qualifications

Lord is now writing for Breitbart
Where would somebody with these insane qualifications end up?  The one and only Breitbart.  No, we are not kidding.  Jeffrey Lord is now writing for Breitbart.  Lord wrote a piece attacking Hillary Clinton.  If you click the link and go to Breitbart, do not click any of the ads.  They are in the click bait business after all.  Let's not give them any. 

Jeffrey Lord was and continues to be a big perpetrator of ALTERNATIVE FACTS!



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