16 Women accusing Donald Trump of Sexual Assault or Harassment all in one place at one time is overwhelming

16 Women accusing Donald Trump of Sexual Assault or Harassment all in one place at one time is overwhelming 

Donald Trump and Karen McDougal
Before the election these women came out of the wood work to talk about what they said candidate Donald Trump did to them.  It didn't stop him from getting elected. However, that may just be because the Russians had their fingers all over election results in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Ohio. 

Karen McDougal & Donald Trump
It was widely report that Karen McDougal seen above was paid off to keep her mouth shut about her affair with Donald Trump. Click here to see that story in Time.com

ONLY 80,0000 VOTES  
Trump won the electoral college by only 80,000 votes split between 3 states.  3 States that used electronic voting that was found to have irregularities.  I only make this statement because I would fundamentally like to believe that America is better than electing a pervert to the highest office in the USA.  

16 Accusers all in one place

This company put together this video to house all of Trumps accusers in one place.  There is one missing however and that is the girl that says Trump raped her when she was 13 years old.  See COURT DOCUMENT HERE!

While everybody is all aghast about Roy Moore and Al Franken, it is pretty damn important that we begin cleaning our house on the main floor.  We need to start with the Oval office.  No matter how hard you scrub and what other garbage is removed, you are still going to have a stink if the rotting cheese in the Oval Office is still sitting on the chair.  


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