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First Indictment is being handed down from Mueller and it is heading right for EX TRUMP campaign chairman Paul Manafort
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Paul Manafort has been advised his indictment is eminent
How many other traitors will fall?
For the learning disabled Trump supporters (which are most) that means that your hero's campaign manager is going to be arrested and go to trial. We don't yet know what he is going to be indicted for but we will surely find out. That is unless he throws Trump under the bus and makes a deal with Mueller to save his own skin. At any rate, the crap is about to hit the fan and things are about to get real at the White House.
Donald Trump and Paul Manafort
Talking blunt and down to a level that Trump supporters can understand. This question has to be asked. Just how many of Donald Trump's campaign officials and White House Administration were involved in helping Russia help Trump into the White House? No Knock Warrant
Paul Manafort House that got tossed by FEDS
What is very interesting is that when Paul Manafort's home was searched, it was done so with a no knock warrant. In good Law and Order/CSI fashion, the feds showed up at Manafort house in the early morning hours, picked his lock and walked right into his house. It is said that they entered his bedroom and woke him up. Secured him and others in the house and began searching the premises. They took photos of his expensive suits, took copies of everyone on his personal devices and left him shaken and stressed. Storage Unit It has also come to light that Manafort had a storage unit that has also been searched. This guy is involved in this mess up to his elbows.
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Backwards cap and white teeth are this country crooners trademark look! Luke Bryan ran his mouth we would like to think before speaking and this is what came out when he was responding to criticism regarding his Bro Country music. “I think that people who want Merle, Willie, and Waylon just need to buy Merle, Willie and Waylon. I’ve never been a ‘Those were the good old days’ kind of guy. I’m not big on looking back on the past. I’m not an outlaw country singer. I don’t do cocaine and run around. So I’m not going to sing outlaw country. I like to hunt, fish, ride around on my farm, build a big bonfire and drink some beers—and that’s what I sing about. It’s what I know. I don’t know about laying in the gutter, strung out on drugs. I don’t really want to do that.” Q uote via Ram Country Yahoo . Waylon's son Buddy married a lady named Kathy Pinkerman who is very proud of being a Jennings and this is what she had to say to Bryan via a YouTube video. Explicit lan...
Can America handle the truth? Hacking was Russia's favorite past time in 2016 The American officials have said repeatedly that the Russians did not change actual votes but as time goes on, it looks more and more like that may have just be wishful thinking. Vladimir Putin Esquire , a well respected publication did a piece on this the other day. They presented clear facts and when you read some of these facts, you can only come to one conclusion. Here are some of the facts: In Illinois, investigators found evidence that cyber intruders tried to delete or alter voter data. The hackers accessed software designed to be used by poll workers on Election Day, and in at least one state accessed a campaign finance database. Details of the wave of attacks, in the summer and fall of 2016, were provided by three people with direct knowledge of the U.S. investigation into the matter. In all, the Russian hackers hit systems in a total of 39 states, one of them...
8 years of suffering under Barack Obama President Barack Obama The sentence I hear most from well-meaning, conservative friends since President Trump’s election is this: “We suffered 8 years under Barack Obama.” Fair enough. Let’s take a look. The day Obama took office, the Dow closed at 7,949 points. Eight years later, the Dow had almost tripled, closing at 21,414. General Motors and Chrysler were on the brink of bankruptcy, with Ford not far behind, and their failure, along with their supply chains, would have meant the loss of millions of jobs. Obama pushed through a controversial, $8o billion bailout to save the car industry. The U.S. car industry survived, started making money again, and the entire $80 billion was paid back, with interest. While we remain vulnerable to lone-wolf attacks, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully executed a mass attack here since 9/11. Obama ordered the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden. He drew down the number of troops ...
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