Resident is refused publication regarding the tragedy in Charlottesville in a local publication in Smithville Tennessee raising the question of why?

What is the real reason the local newspaper wouldn't publish resident's intelligent, well written piece? 

Charlottesville, Virginia August 12, 2017
The local Smithville Tennessee newspaper refuses to publish open letter from local resident. The Daily Banner, a worldwide publication has no problem publishing it.  See the chain of emails between the writer of the letter Krista Eickmann and the new editor of the local Smithville paper.  This letter has been edited for SEO purposes.

Letter from resident

When it comes to people who want to forcibly relocate or kill other citizens based on their appearance or faith there is only one position (or side) we can take and that is to immediately say no. Never again. If we do not say no to white supremacists, white nationalists, neo-nazi’s, the KKK, and the alt-right then we are complicit in whatever acts of terror and violence they commit.

None so blind as those who just won’t see

Evil in Charlottesville, Virginia
We can’t pretend to be blind any longer. Watch the footage from Charlottesville and tell me the Confederate flag isn’t a symbol of racial terror. Young men who think they are white marching with torches, chanting Nazi slogans. Men and women armed with shields and machine guns for their supposedly peaceful protest.  They were flying the Confederate and Nazi flags together.  They were attacking pastors, killing and injuring those who had the courage to say no to racist intimidation and violence in their town.

A History lesson

Although there were many other economic and social issues involved in the Civil War that individual people fought for, there is no denying that the politicians who formed the Confederacy believed that continuing to enslave other human beings was central to their cause. William Tappan who designed the second version of the flag of the Confederacy, which was white with the stars and bars in the upper left corner, had this to say about his design: “As a people we are fighting to maintain the Heaven-ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored race; a white flag would thus be emblematical of our cause.”
His design was eventually replaced with the stars and bars from the upper left corner since the white flag tended to look like a flag of surrender.


It is no accident that groups who terrorized and murdered Black people all over this country after the Civil War associated themselves with symbols of the Confederacy. That association has been CONTINUOUS from 1864 to the present day. The KKK still exists and still uses those symbols. New hate groups form and adopt those symbols as a way to let everyone know that they want to be associated with a long legacy of terror, violence, and murder.
If we truly believe that no human being is inferior because of their appearance then we ought to think about the people and causes of the past we choose to honor. Why is there a bust honoring Nathan Bedford Forest in our state capital with not even a mention of his past as a member of the KKK?  Why not honor Tennesseans of all colors who resisted slavery and worked for liberty and justice for all? Their names and courageous deeds are not well known – but they should be.

Teach our children well

We are living our own lives in our own present time and we can make our own choices about the history we want to teach our children and draw inspiration from. It’s time to stop displaying the Confederate flag and keeping up monuments to racist murderers. Lets honor those who fought for what is right, not those who killed for what is wrong.

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