Kayleigh McEnany leaves CNN accepting a job from Trump to tout Trump rhetoric on Trump TV

Kayleigh McEnany leaves CNN accepting a job from Trump to tout Trump rhetoric on Trump TV
McEnany goes to work directly for TRUMP!

This headline has to make you wonder what is really going on here?  Is Trump taking lessons from Putin?  It looks like we are going to have Trump TV and McEnany will be one of the first puppets to shove Trump trash down the throats of Americans. 

TRUMP 24 - 7

If Donald Trump has his way, it will be Trump 24-7 everyday in every way.  As it is, he has taken over all the news cycles and if that wasn't enough, he will now have his own news show hosted by Kayleigh McEnany.  This brainless bimbo who supposedly has an education has accepted a position to host a TRUMP TV NEWS SHOW!!  

Does this sound like RT to you? 

Does this sound like RT (Russian TV) to you?  It sure does to me and it is a done deal. 
Link to TRUMP TV

If this doesn't make you puke, I don't know what will.  When are the Republicans going to shut this monster down?

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