Hurricane Harvey victims sarcastically thank Trump for crazy book recommendation while fighting to stay alive

Crazy doesn't even begin to describe Trump

Yes, no more pussy footing around batman.  It has to be said. Donald Trump is certifiable.  He is not normal, he is not sane. His Presidency is a sham and our nation is in deep trouble.  We will remain in deep trouble until this very trouble individual is removed from office.  

The GOP are the biggest cowards I have ever seen

It is truly time to call a spade a spade and call these people out for not doing the right thing.  They can't continue to sit around hoping that Trump will wake up tomorrow Presidential. He is freaking 71 years old and he is not going to change.  He has been this way forever. People who live in New York know Donald Trump is exactly what you see. He has always been a few cards short of a deck but it has gotten worse with his aging.  

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Disclaimer:  Everything written in this publication is the opinions of the writer and not that of the sponsors, advertisers or this publication.


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