Al Franken hits the nail on the head about why Trump pardoned Arpaio

Senator Al Franken and Donald Doofus
AL FRANKEN is one smart cookie and very intuitive. He has had a few things to say about Donald Trump that makes perfect sense.  Many people are speculating why Donald Trump does the things he does and when he chooses to do them.  As Franken says below, Donald Trump does not see anything wrong in Arpaio's behavior. 

Below are 2 recent tweets by Al Franken

What about Trump's timing on the NEWS DUMP?
The Trump administration dumping all the news on Friday evening competing with coverage for Hurricane Harvey may have been intentional.  Dumping the news that Gorka had been kicked out of the White House, Transgender banned from Military and Arpaio being pardoned at once was intentional.  

This was done when it was done either because Trump didn't want a Hurricane stealing his thunder OR his Administration was hoping the constant Hurricane coverage would suffocate the news from the White House.  No matter what the reason may actually be, all this news could have waited until Monday when the recuperation efforts in Texas would be underway.  The news dump was in poor taste to say the least and just plain disgusting to normal thinking American's with average sense and above.  

Anybody that is still supporting Trump really has to look at themselves and ask themselves why?  Why would you support a man who is a racist and willfully violated a court order?  They why would be because Arpaio and Trump are two peas in a pod. 

Has America had enough?  Is the GOP sick of being embarrassed on a daily basis?  Call your Republican leaders in your area and tell them it is time they act to get this crazy man out of office.  Enough is enough.  

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