Trump Twitter tantrum as Nunes cancels hearings where 3 Russian loving Amigos set to testify

Trump Twitter tantrum as Nunes cancels hearings where 3 Russian loving Amigos set to testify

Devin Nunes
Trump Twitter tantrum as Nunes cancels hearings where 3 Russian loving Amigos set to testify.  Yes, Donald Trump is at it again trying to distract by tweeting.  He hopes to stop legitimate media from getting to the truth.  Sorry Donny, not this time..

The Republican House Freedom Caucus was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. After so many bad years they were ready for a win!

Once again attacking Hillary & Bill Clinton

He is falling back on campaign tricks by tweeting about Hillary and Bill.  His tweets are so preposterous I won’t justify them by showing them here.  In fact, we should all treat these tweets like we tweet Terrorists.  Don’t show their names, don’t give them credence.

All roads lead to Russia and Putin

Paul Manafort - Roger Stone & Carter Page
All roads in Donald Trumps Administration and before that campaign lead to Russia.  It is going to be impossible for he and his cohorts to keep this covered up much longer.

DEVIN NUNES should never have been in charge

Nunes should never have been in charge of this investigation in the first place since he was a member of Donald Trump’s transition team.  What idiot thought it was okay for him to be involved in this in the first place?  What the heck is going on up on the Hill?  America really has gone bat-crap crazy.

Devin Nunes cancels 3 hearings

Yes, this man didn’t cancel just one hearing or meeting this week, he canceled three.  This leads most sane Americans to the conclusion that he is stalling the investigation.  Many House Democrats are calling for Nunes to step down because of his suspicious behavior.  What do you think?  Type it in the comment section below.

ENJOY “DUMP TRUMP” – We all need a reason to smile today!!


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