AMTW are ‘Ramblin’ on radio and iTunes

'Ramblin' available NOW!!
The much anticipated song by the family trio, ‘Angel Mary and the Tennessee Werewolves,’ has dropped to radio and has been released on iTunes for download.  ‘Ramblin’ has arrived and the band has embarked on a local radio tour to promote the CD.  Listen to the song below and then download it on iTunes.  

Antoine Wolf of the band says 'the song started at 167 last Friday and jumped to 133 on the Music Row charts this week.'  That is a great jump in a short amount of time.  Fans all over the internet are showing their love of the song and giving it praise in their comments after they download the song from iTunes. 

‘Ramblin,’ is a song that can be left up to the listeners own interpretation but most females can associate with the song as they have been there at one time or another. 


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Disclaimer:  Everything I write in this publication is my feelings and opinions and not that of the soap, the sponsors or this publication.    


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